Equipment leasing is a one-trillion-dollar industry. Do you know how they make that much money? It’s through hard-to-understand terms, hidden fees, and unexpected risk in the lease agreement. We’ll fight for you and hunt for where you’re specifically spending unnecessary money. Just give us a couple hours with your equipment leasing portfolio and we’ll show you exactly where you could be saving.

 Retainer Business
Some clients choose to establish a contractual arrangement under an initial retainer payment that will cover their support requirements over an indicated length of time. Under this scenario Titan Management Group will provide desktop support services for the client for all front-end (new business) transactions within an established framework.
 Transaction Business:
For transactions that fall outside of the scope established for Retainer business, the timing, scope and fee for these transactions will be determined on a deal-by-deal basis. These transactions will include those that include used equipment or equipment currently on lease where more analysis provided under a desktop valuation approach is required. Any expenses related to the performance of these types of analysis (i.e. travel, research, support data, etc.) will be the responsibility of the client as will be indicated and agreed upon in the initial Engagement Letter between Titan Management Group and the client.
 Portfolio Business
The review of multiple leases owned by specific leasing companies for FASB or internal procedural requirements, or reviews for the potential sale and/or purchase of a portfolio of existing leases, will be provided by Titan Management as needed. The fees, scope and timing of this type of business will be determined at the time of the request from the client based upon the overall all size and make-up of the subject portfolio.
Lease Advisory Services
These services can be customized to include cradle-to-grave outsource management of lease portfolios and transactions for clients that do not have the internal capabilities to manage their own equipment leases. Additional services will include inspections, asset disposition, and industry studies.